I’ve shared a couple other sets of amusing warning signs… and I’ve had a couple sitting in the archives, and since I just found a couple new ones in Montana, I’ll go ahead and share another batch…
This first one I found along a hike up to the Apgar Lookout Tower in Glacier National Park… I’m not sure if it means they spray sewage on the field or if the field sprays sewage (kind of like a nightmarish geyser), but I followed the warning and kept out of the field…

This next one comes from Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho. Nothing super scary except if you haven’t realized there was this giant hole in the ground just beyond this sign, I’m pretty sure you’re not watching your children carefully anyway, so this sign isn’t going to do much…

While we’re on the subject of children… I found this sign on some random back road near Stonehenge while I was searching in vain for the free access to it. However, either the folks there don’t like children or there are some scary children possessed by some ancient Stonehenge curse and the kind folks there were kind enough to warn us to beware of them!

Last up, during a hike outside of Glacier National Park in the Great Bear Wilderness of the Flathead National Forest, I came upon this set of signs. The top sign is just a nice sign – I always like these carved signs on trails. But this is a case where you really need to read the fine print… I mean if you hadn’t read that fine print, you might be trying to fly your hang glider along this trail! (Though in all fairness, I say if someone can accomplish that feat, then let them enjoy themselves! But maybe they had a series of trail closures due to people getting their hang glider stuck on the trail and the sign is completely justified…)

Deana Fraser
May 11, 2023 at 10:21amYes. I was really happy to see a caption of warning signs! I love taking pictures of signs. That was fun.
May 12, 2023 at 6:21pmOh boy!!! I understand the Watch Your Chlldren. Some parents these days just don’t!
May 15, 2023 at 7:53amThese were a hoot. Same sewage sign at Rainbow Springs campground. We have not ventured into the field, but the wild hogs seem to like it.
Tim Boyer
May 17, 2023 at 5:34pmJust got back from Scotland, and the most common sign on the road was the most terrifying. ‘Oncoming vehicles in middle of road’. Well, tell them to stop doing that!