Some fiddler crabs doing what fiddler crabs do… Filmed 2021.05.22 at Wormsloe in Savannah, GA.

Some fiddler crabs doing what fiddler crabs do… Filmed 2021.05.22 at Wormsloe in Savannah, GA.
An earlier stop on my drive to Colorado was a night in the Okeefenokee Swamp in Steven C. Foster State Park in southern Georgia. It is listed as a great place to view the stars because of its remoteness and lack of light pollution –…
While in Savannah, I visited Wormsloe Historic Site, which one of the main features is a 1.5 mile long Oak Avenue lines with live oaks covered in Spanish moss…
I had originally planned on stopping at the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge on my drive down. There is a wildlife drive there that I thought would be worth checking out, but apparently they are doing maintenance on most of the trails. I was able to…