Just an assortment of butterflies I saw while in Brazil (sorry – I am too lazy to identify any of them right now…). Oh – and one moth that was easily the size of my hand.

Just an assortment of butterflies I saw while in Brazil (sorry – I am too lazy to identify any of them right now…). Oh – and one moth that was easily the size of my hand.
During some hikes around Visconde de Mauá, we saw these butterflies. Every angle I looked at it revealed something new. Whether it is that purple patch that comes and goes with the angle of the light, or those beautiful 88’s on the underside of the…
Honestly, I had hoped to find more weird bugs when I was in Brazil… but here are a couple I managed to find.
I managed to find several spiders while in Death Valley National Park…. The first two were pretty well hidden, but just catching a glint of light off of their webs and a little patience looking for them worked well. I would have loved to have…
Just some butterflies from the Bali archives today. Also, if you want, go back and check out the Swift Peacock Swallowtail post from a few years ago…
After setting up camp one evening I went wandering about to see what I might be able to find. Just as I was returning to camp, I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye. As I approached, I couldn’t see anything –…
A Cattail Toothpick Grasshopper (Leptysma marginicollis) found in Winding Waters Preserve in Palm County, Florida.
I figured I might as well finish out this week’s set of posts with another unexpected critter from Joshua Tree, and in keeping with the previous posts, this one is a hummingbird moth – a White-lined Sphinx Moth to be precise.