Video Week Day 4: Blue Heron Bridge 2021 Video: Weeks 11 & 12

Friday Fotos will not be shown this week. Instead, we interrupt your normally scheduled programming to bring you the final installment in Video Week.

Today’s video is the last of my videos from diving at the Blue Heron Bridge last year and to be honest, I think this might be one of the best videos I’ve ever put together. If you haven’t watch the others, you might want to watch them first… Weeks 1 & 2, Weeks 3 & 4, Weeks 5 – 8, Weeks 9 & 10.


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One thought on “Video Week Day 4: Blue Heron Bridge 2021 Video: Weeks 11 & 12

  1. Jen

    August 12, 2022 at 5:51pm

    Absolutely incredible!
    I appreciate you sharing your adventures.

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