I haven’t been able to get an ID on these worms, but I’ve been seeing them fairly regularly on a number of my dives in the Puget Sound and Hood Canal. Some of them are rather long, ranging up to 6-10 inches (it is hard to tell exact size since they never stretch out in a straight line). Other polychaete worms I’ve shared on here are the Bearded Fireworms, Blackline Fireworms, and Bobbit Worms I’ve photographed at the Blue Heron Bridge – these are similar to those in many ways…
Included in these photos is one of these worms attacking another type of worm that lives in a tube and extends two feeding tentacles and as the polychaete worm attacks it it gets pulled into the tube temporarily – I wasn’t expecting it but was lucky enough to fire off two photos of it before the whole situation resolved itself. Also included is a skeleton shrimp photo bombing…