Timber Rattlesnakes at Wolf Rocks

Today is another case where I had something else scheduled to go live, but I moved it to bump something up on the schedule. On Monday, I decided to head out specifically with two photographic subjects in mind… Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) and the NEOWISE comet (more on that later hopefully).

I had a spot on the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail picked out where I thought I might have good luck finding rattlesnakes, but I also was planning on visiting Wolf Rocks in Forbes State Forest near Laurel Summit State Park for the comet photography. Well, I had walked out to Wolf Rocks to scout the location a bit first, and figured it would be a quick trip just to check and make sure things looked good, but as I stood there on the rocks, I looked down and saw a rattlesnake on a ledge a few feet from me, and another a few feet further past the first one.

So I rushed back to my vehicle, grabbed the camera since I didn’t take it with me on the scouting run, and made it back to Wolf Rocks to find even more snakes out sunning themselves…

There will be more to come… and hopefully NEOWISE photos (and maybe a timelapse video as well).

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