Practice Timelapse

Another stop on my drive from Florida to Colorado was Milford State Park in Kansas. This was supposed to be the fourth night of camping, all of which I had hoped would afford me the opportunity to do some timelapse photography. Unfortunately, rain and just adjusting my drive to eliminate a day cut that all down to just one night. I have been trying to take more timelapse sequences while in Colorado, and eventually I’ll figure out if I want to share them individually or make a single longer video…

As has happened before, I struggled deciding what music to put to this video, so I just did multiple versions. Give them a view/listen and see what you prefer…

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One thought on “Practice Timelapse

  1. Mom

    October 9, 2021 at 5:32pm

    I like them both. But I prefer the first!
    Keep them coming!!

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