And before I went diving in Plymouth, I visited a historic site in Dartmoor National Park called Grimspound.

There are 24 of these stone hut circles surrounded by a short stone wall (seen on the right in the below panoramic shot).

Next to the village is a stone tor (a natural rocky outcropping usually on top of a hill) that seemed to me to have significance of some sort.

I like both of these shots – obviously taken from the exact same spot and within seconds of each other… but because of the approaching rain and shifting the framing I feel the horizontal shot takes on a much more foreboding feel…

And upon closer inspection, it really felt that the tor could have easily been used as a platform for speeches or ceremonies. There almost seemed to be perfect steps leading right up to the top (they start are the bottom right corner, then turn left, then turn 180 degrees back to the right, then another 180 back towards the very top).

Jordan English
August 23, 2019 at 1:11amSo in other words, you visited Pride Rock.
August 23, 2019 at 7:26amCertainly looks that way, huh? But no, I did not go find a cat and re-enact the scene… haha!