Poll: Crab Spider (part 2)
ktuli — Wed, 04/14/2010 - 19:02
If you haven't read part 1 yet, definitely check it out.
I've said this before here, but when you find a subject worth shooting, take your time and work with the subject. I kept over thirty exposures (and took probably twice that many but deleted the completely worthless ones) from a span of over two hours of working with this spider.
Definitely work your subject.
With that in mind, I kept trying different exposure levels. Here are four different exposures - take a look and vote below for your favorite. Despite the great variance in the look of these photos, these are straight out of the camera with no post production.

Version 1: 1/5 sec at f/9.1 with pop-up flash. IMG_0998

Version 2: 1/10 sec at f/9.1 with pop-up flash and exposure compensation -1 stop. IMG_0999

Version 3: 1/3 sec at f/9.1 with no flash and exposure compensation -1/3 stop. IMG_1000

Version 4: 4 sec at f/25.8 with no flash. IMG_1001
Pretty different, huh? If you use tabs in your browser, I recommend opening each image in a different tab (usually control+clicking the link) and switching between the tabs to see the distinct difference between the images (scrolling through them sometimes makes it tougher to compare.
General Technical Data:Canon EOS 7D, Tamron 180mm f/3.5 Di SP LD 1:1 Macro with Kenko Teleplus PRO 300 "DG" AF 2x Teleconverter for effective 360mm with 68mm in extension tubes. ISO 200. No post production.
One of these will definitely be submitted to a couple upcoming contests. I just need to figure out which one I like best.
What do you think? Vote below, and then leave a comment and let me know why you chose the version you did.
- Bill
Poll: Flash or No Flash?
ktuli — Sat, 01/30/2010 - 20:26
Yet another style of post to try out today...
Sometimes, I try multiple settings for a photograph and then when I get home I either forget to delete the lesser quality shots or as is more often the case, debate which version is better. Sometimes I'll have multiple versions of a photo that I like each version for various reasons.
That's where you come in - from time to time, I'll post those multiple versions and leave it open to a vote as to which version is the best.
Today's photo set was done as easily as using the flash for one shot and not using the flash for the other.

Flash Version Technical Data: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT, Canon EF 80-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II at 89mm, 1/60 sec at f/4.5. ISO 400. Flash Auto. No Post Production. Near Frisco Pier, Cape Hatteras, NC.

No Flash Version Technical Data: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT, Canon EF 80-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II at 89mm, 1/13 sec at f/4.5. ISO 400. Flash Off. No Post Production. Near Frisco Pier, Cape Hatteras, NC.
Honestly, I'm torn! I can't decide which version I like better. What about you?
Cast your vote, leave some comments to back up your vote!
- Bill